Miles to ride, on fiery trails
Knives decide, but time will tell
…time will tell

Lives to take, wives to veil
Graves to dig, coffins to nail

“They never were tried,”
The women will cry
“It’s all been a lie”

Pardons denied
Two worlds will collide
The day the men died

Foes to choke, until they are pale
Fires to stoke, a brand new hell

Skies to smoke, lands to impale
Darkness cloaks, then they assail

Pardons denied
Two worlds will collide
The day the men died

Sittin’ here on death row
Mugshots and bad smokes
Hard nights and hours to go

My trial? A fuckin’ sham
I live the life, don’t give a damn
I made goddamn sure you won’t forget me!


Spaghetti Western Dub by Chopper Franklin - The Day the Men Died © 2023 Ratchet Blade Records